I've heard a lot about the poor effects of "not doing Agile"--that is, doing Agile, but...
These practitioners have a set of expectations around both process and performance. The problem I have is a huge lack of comparative data. When a team is delivering software, it's the rare business that's willing to risk productivity for an experiment to answer questions like "if they can produce x per week under process y, does x decrease if we drop agile practice 'z'?".
When I joined my current project, we were being managed in a barely-recognizable devolvement from scrum. We stopped doing stand-up meetings daily about 4 months ago; we stopped doing status meetings every other day about 8 weeks ago.
Is that negative stuff? I don't have any data either way, but I don't think so. In fact, I think we could argue that we are using exactly the agile things this team needs and can use effectively:
I delivered a formal design document about 2 weeks ago, just in time to start coding for this release cycle. We don't do much formal design, though; we mostly work from a domain model, process specifications, and FitNesse tests. Sometimes, though, you need words-in-a-row and UML diagrams.
We went into code freeze last Friday, limiting check-ins to bug fixes and test fixtures. The following Monday we received several new requirements. Since code freeze, there have been updates to something like 9 process specs. Most, if not all, of those changes will be in the release. We'll probably be in code freeze for two or three weeks, which is a lot in a six-week cycle. We're treating the new requirements as bugs, and to be fair, they're about the size you'd expect from a functionality bug.
We're delivering new functionality at maybe three times the rate of most projects I've been associated with, and at probably 6 times the rate of a typical project in this organization. It's pretty high quality stuff, too, in an environment with hideously complex business rules and very high cost for failure in implementing those rules. Frankly, I'm pretty happy about that.
Here's what we've got that works:
1. very senior, very fast developers. (Plug: if they're from Gorilla Logic, as I am, they couldn't be anything else, as that's a primary focus of Gorilla Logic's hiring practice.)
2. dead quiet when it's time to concentrate. I have a private office. I'm not physically in the same state as the users. In fact, I'm two time zones away. When it's time to crank out well-thought-out results, nothing can beat quiet. (For experimental data on this topic and other key contributors to developer productivity, read "Peopleware" by DeMarco and Lister.)
3. good access to the team when it's time to talk. We have web conferencing, IM, telephones, and desktop video conferencing when we need it.
4. requirements people who aren't bound by the need to generate a document to get the requirements to us, who are highly accessible, and who know the domain quite well.
5. management who understands the importance of getting it right, and respects the professional opinions of the team.
The release will probably slip a week. When we're done, it'll be pretty much what they needed, rather than arbitrarily "what we had working on the release date". We might deliver faster with a different management style, but I wouldn't bet my next paycheck on that. If the problem domain was simple enough to allow for stable requirements, they might not need the software in the first place.
That's agile enough for me.
Critical GitHub Attack
6 hours ago